4D 2004 under Windows Server 2012

Julio Carneiro (6/9/14 10:20PM)

Julio Carneiro (6/9/14 10:20 PM)

I know this is a long stretch, but I have a client who is still
running a 4D 2004 app, and is upgrading their server to a new box
running Windows Server 2012.

That is a built (merged) server and it seems to run fine, after
enabling it on DEP.

Now if I try to run 4D Server, or 4D standalone, under that server, 4D
crashes before showing the structure selection window.

Anyone running a similar setup? Any tips on how to get 4D Server to
open and not crash? Reason being is that I need to run a restore on
that box, and that is not available on a build 2004 server. You need
4D or 4D Server to do a restore.

Thanks for any leads on that subject

ps: FYI, the app is currently being upgraded to V14, so that will
cease to be an issue, but in the meantime I do need to run restore :(

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