4D Syntax Check Engine?

Tom Benedict (3/19/14 11:07AM)
Keisuke Miyako (3/20/14 2:10AM)

Tom Benedict (3/19/14 11:07 AM)


Is there a way to have 4D 'syntax' check some text and return whether
it is 'valid 4D code'?

I'm designing a system to generate deployment scripts and would like
to be able to validate 4D code in outside the 4D code editor.

Is such a thing possible?

Tom Benedict
Alere Wellbeing, Inc

Keisuke Miyako (3/20/14 2:10 AM)


validating code involves tokenizing and type checking.

I suppose you could tokenize code using regex,
but for that you would need a full symbol table,
i.e. commands, constants, plugins, variables, tables, fields, methods,
components and forms at the very least.
in other words you pretty much need the whole database.

Type checking requires you to know every valid argument type for every
method and every command,
and variables passed as arguments must be typed.

In theory you could post the generated code to the database and call
plugin api to tokenize. (API Pack )

But I think a "system to generate deployment scriptsÃ=A2â=82¬=C2&ugrave;
must not
require any
validation at all,
the generation logic must be robust enough that the output is always


On 2014/03/20 3:07, "Tom Benedict" <Tom.Benedict@... wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>IIs there a way to have 4D 'syntax'
check some text and return whether it
is 'valid 4D code'?

I'm designing a system to generate deployment scripts and would like to
be able to validate 4D code in outside the 4D code editor.

Is such a thing possible?

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