Moving A Folder

Cannon Smith (3/22/14 12:19PM)
Tim Nevels (3/22/14 5:50PM)
Peter Bozek (3/22/14 7:51PM)
Cannon Smith (3/22/14 8:25PM)
Cannon Smith (3/22/14 8:26PM)

Cannon Smith (3/22/14 12:19 PM)

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks! That is much faster.

It looks like Move will work the same way on Windows, although I
havenâ=80ôt tried it yet. Thanks for pointing me in the right

Cannon Smith
Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
Hill Spring, AB Canada

On Mar 22, 2014, at 11:39 AM, Jeremy Roussak <jbr@... wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>OOn a Mac, LEP("mv source
destination") works pretty well, once you handle quoting and so on. I
don't know about Windows.

Tim Nevels (3/22/14 5:50 PM)

On Mar 22, 2014, at 10:36 AM, Cannon Smith wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>DDoes anyone know of a good way to
move a folder on the file system from within 4D? I have a method Iâ=80&ocirc;
used for years that recursively copies files/folders from the original
folder to the new destination and then deletes the original
files/folders. But this seems slow. Is there anything faster that Iâ=80&ocirc;
missing. v14 if it matters.

If you want to get maximum performance you need to use LAUNCH EXTERNAL
PROCESS and let the OS do it.

I do this for deleting folders. I have 2 methods for deleting folders.
The old one uses only 4D commands and is recursive. The newer method
calls LEP and lets the OS do it. Letting the OS do it is much faster.

What is needed is for 4D to modify the MOVE DOCUMENT command to
support folders -- just like the COPY DOCUMENT command now does. Maybe
in a future version...


Peter Bozek (3/22/14 7:51 PM)


On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Cannon Smith <<
cannon@... wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>IIt looks like Move will work the
same way on Windows, although I havenÃ=A2â=82¬=E2&Ntilde;¢t
tried it yet. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

I believe there are small differences - on Mac, move is always move,
but on
Windows move across different volumes is copy.


Peter Bozek

Cannon Smith (3/22/14 8:25 PM)

Thanks for the heads up, Peter. Iâ=80&ocirc;ll make sure.

Cannon Smith
Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
Hill Spring, AB Canada

On Mar 22, 2014, at 12:51 PM, Peter Bozek <peter.bozek@...

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>II believe there are small
differences - on Mac, move is always move, but on
Windows move across different volumes is copy.

Cannon Smith (3/22/14 8:26 PM)

Yes, I thought this was done but it was just for COPY DOCUMENT. Next
version? :-)


Cannon Smith
Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
Hill Spring, AB Canada

On Mar 22, 2014, at 4:50 PM, Tim Nevels <timnevels@...

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>WWhat is needed is for 4D to modify
the MOVE DOCUMENT command to support folders -- just like the COPY
DOCUMENT command now does. Maybe in a future version...

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