4D v14.1 - SELECT INTO not working with objects?

Keisuke Miyako (3/26/14 1:28AM)
Bill Hutten (3/27/14 12:12PM)
Jeremy Roussak (3/27/14 2:31PM)

Keisuke Miyako (3/26/14 1:28 AM)


[SQL] SELECT INTO :$object/array_object is nowhere to be found in the
I am not sure if I can declare it an Ã=A2â=82¬=C5ìobviousÃ=A2â
Ǭ=C2ù bugÃ=A2â=82¬=C2¦

there is a feature in v14 to do something similar,
which is Selection to JSON.



On 2014/03/25 21:16, "Johan Braun" <johanbra@... wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>OObvious bug, or am I missing how
this is all supposed to work?

Bill Hutten (3/27/14 12:12 PM)

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014, at 11:31 AM, Jeremy Roussak wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>II've not tried it, but it might be
possible to SELECT into a listbox,
then interrogate the listbox to discover what its arrays are and copy
their contents.
heh - yeah, I've been down this road. I've never been able to make it
work reasonably.

- bill

Jeremy Roussak (3/27/14 2:31 PM)

I've not tried it, but it might be possible to SELECT into a listbox,
then interrogate the listbox to discover what its arrays are and copy
their contents.

Just a thought.

Jeremy Roussak

On 26 Mar 2014, at 10:37, Bill Hutten <bhutten@... wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>OOn Tue, Mar 25, 2014, at 09:28 PM,
Keisuke Miyako wrote:

/color><color><param>8826F,0000,8219/param>tthere is a feature in v14
to do something similar,
which is Selection to JSON.
Yes, which is why I was hoping there was some way to do basically the
exact same thing in SQL.

As far as I can tell 4D /still/ does not have a mechanism to bind the
result of a dynamically generated SQL query to 4D language elements.
Less abstractly - If I don't know in advance exactly what columns are
my SELECT, I have no straightforward way to put that data into arrays.
Objects (or JSON) would be the perfect solution to this long-standing
issue, which is why the lack of the feature is so frustrating...

(If you know of a way to do what I'm looking for I'd love to know about


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