4D Server 12.6 and network errors logged on OS X Console

Manila (3/27/14 9:53AM)

Manila (3/27/14 9:53 AM)

Hello Josh and Paul.

I am getting similar errors with Mavericks and v14.1 on my Mac Mini,
connecting to a Windows 4D Server that is on the same network in my
home office (both connected by Ethernet cable). I turned off AppNap in
4D and the errors reduced, but they have not completely gone away. The
error message that I get in 4D is:

"The actual connection to the database has been disrupted.
A serious error occurred while a request was being sent to the server.
You should quit or restart the database as soon as possible."

The Restart button usually works, but not always.

Turning off AppNap worked for TeamViewer, but it did not work
completely for 4D; it just delayed the amount of time of inactivity
before the connection was lost. So I went to the Energy Saver control
panel and changed the settings as follows:

Computer sleep: never
Display sleep: 1 hr
Put hard disks to sleep: no
Wake up for network access: yes
Start up automatically after power failure: yes
Enable Power Nap: no

Even with these settings, I still get the disconnections after a
certain period of inactivity in 4D. I haven't yet narrowed down the
exact time lapse; I will do that next.

Walt Nelson (Manila)

Joshua Fletcher said:
color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>TThey're system error codes.  See
for example:


(no idea why you're getting them other than the explanations given

Kind regards,


-----Original Message-----
/color><color><param>8826F,0000,8219/param>DDoes anyone know what the
errors 54 and 60 could be while reading
/color><color><param>8826F,0000,8219/param>tthe network?

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