Where do you put the .journal file?

Jim Hays (3/28/14 10:06AM)
Jeffrey Kain (4/8/14 10:31AM)
Randy Jaynes (4/8/14 10:53AM)
Jeffrey Kain (4/8/14 10:55AM)
Joshua Fletcher (4/9/14 8:44PM)

Jim Hays (3/28/14 10:06 AM)


We are using 4D Server v12.6

Next to the .4DD?
Next to the .4BK files?

Can a network backup software back up the .journal file while 4D
Server is



Jeffrey Kain (4/8/14 10:31 AM)

4BK[x] = 4BK[x-1]+4BL[x-1]

On Apr 8, 2014, at 9:41 AM, bob.miller@... wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>WWhile we are on this topic, does
anyone really understand the difference
between the .4BK file and the .4BL file?  I've read and re-read the
but it just doesn't click with me.  I don't see why a .4BL file would
necessary if the .4BK file contains everything in the database...

Randy Jaynes (4/8/14 10:53 AM)

On Apr 8, 2014, at 10:31 AM, Jeffrey Kain <jeffrey.kain@...

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>44BK[x] = 4BK[x-1]+4BL[x-1]

Nice and succinct!  Do you have a pre-teen or teenager going through
Algebra also???

I was thinking that the 4BL[x-1] should be [x+1] instead, but looking
at a couple servers, I see that the 4BL file that is saved at the same
time as a 4BK is indeed the lower number.

I never noticed...I just always knew that the 4BL saved at the same
time needed to be rolled into the PREVIOUS 4BK.


Randy Jaynes
Senior Programmer and Customer Support

(800) 774-6853 &iuml; PrintPoint, Inc &iuml; 57 Ludlow Lane &iuml; Palisades, NY

Jeffrey Kain (4/8/14 10:55 AM)

No, thank your favorite deity&Ouml;

On Apr 8, 2014, at 10:53 AM, Randy Jaynes <randy@...

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>DDo you have a pre-teen or teenager
going through Algebra also???

Joshua Fletcher (4/9/14 8:44 PM)

Hi Bob,

The key to using this is to note the number that accompanies the
respective file.  If you're restoring 4BK 93, you need 4BL file 93
(and newer).  That's the simple, mechanical way of using the feature.

When you do a backup, you produce 4BK n and 4BL n-1. You are
completely correct that 4BL n-1 is not useful for 4BK n; 4BK n already
has all those changes.  But 4BK n-1 does not.

This is just a different way of saying what Jeff already posted, but
hopefully it helps.

Kind regards,


Josh Fletcher
Technical Account Manager
4D, Inc


-----Original Message-----
color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>WWhile we are on this topic, does
anyone really understand the difference
between the .4BK file and the .4BL file?  I've read and re-read the
but it just doesn't click with me.  I don't see why a .4BL file would
necessary if the .4BK file contains everything in the database...

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