Welsh Harris (4/9/14 1:15PM)
Welsh Harris (4/9/14 4:05PM)
Arnaud de Montard (4/9/14 9:53PM)
Thomas Maul (4/10/14 9:16AM)

Welsh Harris (4/9/14 1:15 PM)

I canít get this to compile:
FORM SCREENSHOT($Table_p->;$FormName_t;$Pic_c;$PageNo_l)

But this will compile:
FORM SCREENSHOT([Table];$FormName_t;$Pic_c;$PageNo_l)

My code runs correctly uncompiled, so I know $Table_p is populated
with a pointer to a table.  Is there any way around this to get it to
compile?  This is 13.4


Welsh Harris (4/9/14 4:05 PM)

It works!

Thank you,

Arnaud de Montard (4/9/14 9:53 PM)

Le 9 avr. 2014 ý 20:15, Welsh Harris a Ècrit :

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>II can&iacute;t get this to compile:
FORM SCREENSHOT($Table_p->;$FormName_t;$Pic_c;$PageNo_l)
color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>IIs there any way around this to
get it to compile?  This is 13.4
bug ACI0080229
"Bug is present in 12.5, 13.2, 14"

You could try this (ugly):

c_picture(pict)  //process or interprocess, not $local
$tableName_t:="["+table name($Table_p->)+"]"
$hope:=command name(940)+"(["+table
execute formula($hope)

Arnaud de Montard

Thomas Maul (4/10/14 9:16 AM)

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>bbug ACI0080229
color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>""Bug is present in 12.5, 13.2, 14"
Compiler optional leading parameter recognition was improved in v14,
included in v14.0 Final. This solved this issue.
In v12/v13 you need to use the workaround as described by Arnaud.

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