Wrong record opens when double-clicking in Listbox

David Lieb (4/29/14 7:59AM)
Arnaud de Montard (4/29/14 2:29PM)

David Lieb (4/29/14 7:59 AM)


I have a couple users reporting that sometimes when they double-click
on a
record in a listbox (selection-based), a record further down the list
open instead of the one they double-clicked on. It might be one or two
or a
few rows below.

Unfortunately, it's one of those things that happens often enough to be
bothersome, but not often enough to be easily reproducible.

v13.5 (also v13.4 and not sure about previous versions).

I figure the problem is likely somewhere in my code, but I haven't been
able to locate it. Has anyone else noticed anything like this? Or have



Arnaud de Montard (4/29/14 2:29 PM)

Le 29 avr. 2014 &yacute; 13:59, David Lieb a &Egrave;crit :

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>II have a couple users reporting
that sometimes when they double-click on a
record in a listbox (selection-based)
They do not clic on a record but on a line in the listbox, so the code
must always "translate" the line to the record, like this:

If(on *2 clic)
LISTBOX GET CELL POSITION(*;"LBname";$dummy;$line)
if($line >0)
 GOTO SELECTED RECORD (table($table)->;$line)
 =A0//now we're on the good record
end if
end if

Is that what you have?

Arnaud de Montard

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