Right-click fails on Win8

Keisuke Miyako (4/29/14 2:45PM)
Keith Goebel (4/30/14 12:23AM)
Keith Goebel (4/30/14 9:18AM)

Keisuke Miyako (4/29/14 2:45 PM)

Have you tried "Contextual click"?


I donâ=80ôt know if GET MOUSE uses a different (i.e. old) mechanism
identify a â=80úright click"


On 2014/04/29 21:23, "Keith Goebel" <keith.g@... wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>TThe clicked events trigger a
method which uses GET MOUSE to determine if
it was a right-click.
With Win7, a right-click is detected and processed correctly.
On Win8, a right-click does nothing.

Keith Goebel (4/30/14 12:23 AM)

Greetings all.
Using 4D v13.5 Win in a built/merged application, I have an output
form, with some 3D buttons in the header section.
The buttons are set to
- Button style = Toolbar
- Visible title = yes
- With popup menu = separated (shows a popup section on the right end
of the button)

The button events are
- on clicked
- on arrow click

The clicked events trigger a method which uses GET MOUSE to determine
if it was a right-click.
With Win7, a right-click is detected and processed correctly.
On Win8, a right-click does nothing.

I am unable to trace the method as I don't have Win8 on my development
machine, so can only see the compiled behaviour.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Cheers, KG

Keith Goebel (4/30/14 9:18 AM)

No, but I will :-)
Thanks, Keith

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>HHave you tried "Contextual click"?

color><param>8826F,0000,8219/param>TThe clicked events trigger a
method which uses GET MOUSE to determine if
it was a right-click.
With Win7, a right-click is detected and processed correctly.
On Win8, a right-click does nothing.

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