Updating Resources or Not

Sujit Shah (4/30/14 10:23PM)
Joshua Fletcher (5/2/14 9:26PM)

Sujit Shah (4/30/14 10:23 PM)


Why do the resources want to update each time the structure files is
updated. How do I control this?

Force update of resources is not ticked.


"There must be ingenuity as well as intention, strategy as well as
strength. "

Joshua Fletcher (5/2/14 9:26 PM)

You said, "Force update of resources is not ticked"; you're talking
the connection dialog right? Â=A0Take a look at your database settings


"Update "Resources" folder during a session"

I'm not 100% sure this Setting will affect a new connection. It's
for managing resources *after* the initial connection. Â=A0But you can
and see.


Josh Fletcher
Technical Account Manager
4D, Inc.

On 4/30/14, 1:07 PM, "Sujit Shah" <sujit.au@... wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>RResources folder update when 4D
remote connects to the server tks

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