WebArea and JSON

Andrea Angeli (5/2/14 12:30PM)

Andrea Angeli (5/2/14 12:30 PM)

I would like Update a Facebook account using data stored in 4D so I'm
trying to write some code to do that.

I tried different ways, but I suppose that 4D WebArea is the only
choice but any suggest will be appreciated.
Actually I can send a text to FaceBook and it is showed in the page,
but I cannot get the FaceBook Answers because are in JASON and not in
HTML so the WebArea return an empty string.
If I succeeded to get the FaceBook answers it should be wonderful
because I could interact with the Facebook account dynamically using
the returned IDs by Facebook.

Is there a way to get the JSON text that I read in the WebArea?

Thanks in Advance
Andrea Angeli

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