Object Move

QuickWire (5/9/14 3:14PM)

QuickWire (5/9/14 3:14 PM)

Hi All,

I am using Object Move to place a drop down list as a user types in
the field above it.  The technique is from a tech note called
"clairvoyance" or something like that.  However when the box drops
down, it appears behind everything else.  There is a web area below
where the name field exists and it persistently stays "above" the drop
down.  I have set the web area to be as far back as possible and the
drop down listbox to be as front most as possible.  What I need is a
CSS z-index property to insist that this item stay above everything
else.  I have moved the drop down to different pages in the form and
nothing works.  =A0Is there anything I can do other than re-arrange
whole form?


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