Split vertical scrollbar in Text Area?

david conley (5/14/14 10:50AM)

david conley (5/14/14 10:50 AM)


Curious if you have multiple web areas in the form?  I've seen where
there is a redraw issue when multiple web areas exist.  Maybe that is
what you are seeing?  I've reported it back in v12 and haven't tested
against 13.5 to see if it is fixed but it wasn't fixed in v13.4.  I
have been unable to find any workarounds.


On May 14, 2014, at 10:30 AM, bob.miller@... wrote:


Since upgrading to 4D v13 (now on 13.5, Windows) some users have
complained that text areas with vertical scrollbars occasionally get
"munged up" where clicking on the up arrow or down arrow on the
will only affect either the top half of the text, or the bottom half
the text.  Indeed, I've seen this several times myself - the text area

isn't divided with a line or anything like that (like the old method
editor), but it acts like it is divided with the text in either top or

bottom half scrolling while the other half doesn't move at all.  =A0Once

this appears on a given input form in a process, then it will continue
behave that way on that form, even if the form is opened and closed
new records.

Has anyone seen this, and is there any odd combination of events that
cause it (or provide a workaround)?  This is an unwanted behavior.


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