Convert numbers (Longint, Real) to time

J?rg Knebel (5/15/14 6:25PM)
Aparajita Fishman (5/15/14 10:31PM)
Keisuke Miyako (5/16/14 12:01AM)
Aparajita Fishman (5/16/14 8:30AM)
J?rg Knebel (5/16/14 9:35AM)

J?rg Knebel (5/15/14 6:25 PM)


On 15/05/2014, at 18:12 AEST, Keisuke Miyako <Keisuke.Miyako@...

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>tthe left operand needs to be
declared beforehand


Right, but when the number comes from an OT-object it is a total
different story.

C_Time ($TickTock)

$TickTock:= OT GetLong ($lObjHandle;"TimeAsNumber")

Thanks anyway I'll find a solution.


Aparajita Fishman (5/15/14 10:31 PM)

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>TThanks for your concerns and yes I
get an Error but I'm close to solve or workaround the problem.

As soon as I find a nice generic solution for that "Number to Time
Problem I'll post it here.
It's simple to convert a number to a time:

$time:=Time(Time string($number))



Keisuke Miyako (5/16/14 12:01 AM)

Object Tools was not mentioned in the original post, was it..?
and haw totally different a story is it;
do you get an error or the wrong value?
what if you assign to an intermediate local variable?

On 2014/05/15 17:25, "JÃ=83Â=B6rg Knebel"

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>RRight, but when the number comes
from an OT-object it is a total
different story.
C_Time ($TickTock)
$TickTock:= OT GetLong ($lObjHandle;"TimeAsNumber")
Thanks anyway I'll find a solution.

Aparajita Fishman (5/16/14 8:30 AM)

color><param>8826F,0000,8219/param>$$time:=Time(Time string($number))
Are you serious? You should take:

Of course I'm serious. But my 4D skills are obviously quite rusty and
I didn't take the time to test enough.

Actually, I can't understand why we're having this conversation at
all. Numbers can be assigned directly to times, even with ObjectTools
involved as the original post mentioned:

$o:=OT New
OT PutLong ($o;"test";130)
$t:=OT GetLong ($o;"test")

So I can't understand where the error came from.



J?rg Knebel (5/16/14 9:35 AM)


On 16/05/2014, at 08:01 AEST, Keisuke Miyako <Keisuke.Miyako@...

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>OObject Tools was not mentioned in
the original post, was it..?
and haw totally different a story is it;
do you get an error or the wrong value?
what if you assign to an intermediate local variable?
Thanks for your concerns and yes I get an Error but I'm close to solve
or workaround the problem.

As soon as I find a nice generic solution for that "Number to Time
Problem I'll post it here.

Thanks everyoune for switching on some lights at the end of the
tunnel. :o)


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