SOAP server

Jeremy Roussak (6/1/14 2:26PM)
Jeremy Roussak (6/2/14 8:21PM)
Joshua Fletcher (6/2/14 8:53PM)

Jeremy Roussak (6/1/14 2:26 PM)

Simple question: I'm running v14.1 professional. How do I get a 4D
SOAP licence?


Jeremy Roussak

Jeremy Roussak (6/2/14 8:21 PM)

Thanks, Josh. I understand now.


Jeremy Roussak

On 2 Jun 2014, at 19:53, Joshua Fletcher <JFletcher@... wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>II think the confusion is
conflating the term "license" with "expansion product".  A license
lets you use a feature. An expansion product has a separate Product
Number, and therefore a separate registration that produces a separate
license file.

The SOAP license for 4D Developer Professional is not an expansion, so
there's no separate Product Number, no separate file.  If you look at
your "Update License" dialog in 4D and observe the license that is in
use you will see the available items in that dialog.  Note: if your
Dev Pro license is NOT the one that is in use, that could explain your
problem.  For example a leftover trial license file can interfere with
a full product license.  Remove the trial license file in this case.

Kind regards,


Joshua Fletcher (6/2/14 8:53 PM)

I think the confusion is conflating the term "license" with "expansion
product".  A license lets you use a feature. An expansion product has
a separate Product Number, and therefore a separate registration that
produces a separate license file.

The SOAP license for 4D Developer Professional is not an expansion, so
there's no separate Product Number, no separate file.  If you look at
your "Update License" dialog in 4D and observe the license that is in
use you will see the available items in that dialog.  Note: if your
Dev Pro license is NOT the one that is in use, that could explain your
problem.  For example a leftover trial license file can interfere with
a full product license.  Remove the trial license file in this case.

Kind regards,


Josh Fletcher
Technical Account Manager
4D, Inc


-----Original Message-----
color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>YYes, that's what I thought. I
assume there's some way of downloading it,
as there is for the Volume Desktop licence.

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