4D Server as a Service on OSX

(6/2/14 3:21PM)
Keisuke Miyako (6/2/14 10:46PM)

Thanks for the reply.
I experimented with Automator.  Much like Applescript, allows me to
pick my structure and launch it with the specified 4D application.
Create a little app which I now launch at start up.  Can even put in
my own icon.  (In my situation I need to keep a copy of other 4D app
on the server, so the second solution does not work for me.)
To complete the "service" features, is there a way to automatically
dismiss the "Log out users in 10 minutes" dialog or at least to
shorten the time to 1 or 2 minutes?  A database parameter.
Mitch  =A0 

Keisuke Miyako (6/2/14 10:46 PM)


would passing 1 or 2 as an argument to QUIT 4D work?



On 2014/06/03 0:21, "mshiller@... <<mshiller@sympatico.ca>

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>TTo complete the "service"
features, is there a way to automatically
dismiss the "Log out users in 10 minutes" dialog or at least to shorten
the time to 1 or 2 minutes?  A database parameter.

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