Comparing two Array / Selection Commands

Jeremy Roussak (6/4/14 3:54PM)
Arnaud de Montard (6/4/14 4:50PM)

Jeremy Roussak (6/4/14 3:54 PM)

I've always assumed that LONGINT ARRAY FROM SELECTION was faster than
SELECTION TO ARRAY with only a table. More knowledgeable heads than
mine will no doubt correct me.

CREATE SELECTION FROM ARRAY creates a (named) selection. ARRAY TO
SELECTION overwrites/creates records in a table. They're very
different, I think.


Jeremy Roussak

On 4 Jun 2014, at 15:11, bob.miller@... wrote:

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>HHello All,

Is there any difference between using SELECTION TO ARRAY with only a
number - which produces a longint array of record numbers, and using
LONGINT ARRAY FROM SELECTION ?  I do see that LAFS can create an array

from a named selection, whereas STA is limited to the current

I've just discovered LAFS and am wondering if it has any advantages
creating arrays of record numbers using STA.

Similarly, is there any difference between using ARRAY TO SELECTION
an array of record numbers and CREATE SELECTION FROM ARRAY ?

Many thanks,

Arnaud de Montard (6/4/14 4:50 PM)

Le 4 juin 2014 &yacute; 16:11, bob.miller@... a =E9crit :

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>II've just discovered LAFS and am
wondering if it has any advantages over
creating arrays of record numbers using STA.
the (very very very great) difference is speed. LAFS >> STA!
Use STA when you have to get field(s) content in array(s), and LAFS if
you wanna deal with the record numbers (copy the selection while you
do something that looses it, add/remove a record from a selection,

color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>SSimilarly, is there any difference
between using ARRAY TO SELECTION with
an array of record numbers and CREATE SELECTION FROM ARRAY ?
these are completely different commands
 ARRAY TO SELECTION writes records (update the field passed as odd
parameter with the array passed as even parameter)
 CREATE SELECTION FROM ARRAY creates a selection form an array of
record numbers. It's the "opposite" command from LAFS.

Arnaud de Montard

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