Generic coding SQL

John RF Staples (6/5/14 7:10PM)
Joshua Fletcher (6/5/14 8:49PM)
John RF Staples (6/6/14 3:07PM)

John RF Staples (6/5/14 7:10 PM)

Hello all
I am interested in the two SQL commands ALTER TABLE (sql_name) and
ADD(column_definition); 4D v14.1.
I am trying to use data to define a table structure via generic code.
My question; how to replace the literal name for a table or field with
a generic variable returning either the table / field name?

I have read the SQL reference manual and tried both wrapping a
variable in <<< >>> or passing a function with FN; both were rejected
( Never got as far as ADD ...! )

With anticipatory thanks
John Staples. UK.

Joshua Fletcher (6/5/14 8:49 PM)

Hi John,

Short answer: build the statement dynamically in a text variable and
then execute it with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE:

Long answer:

A table name or column definition cannot be dynamic values. These are
parts of the structure of the statement, rather than the inputs to the
statement. Â=A0Inputs can accept any arbitrary value, but the
cannot be dynamic. Â=A0I.e. a "sql_name" isn't a variable. The grammar
can help you understand this...

The Syntax Rules section of the documentation can be used to determine
the possible values for each part of a SQL statement in 4D.

I will use your question as an example. Starting from ALTER TABLE:

You can see that a "sql_name" is expected after ALTER TABLE. However
"sql_name" does not accept dynamic values; it's not a variable:

Whereas an "arithmetic_expression" accepts dynamic values:

So you can only use a dynamic value when you see
"arithmetic_expression" supported by the grammar.

4D gets around this with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE.

Kind regards,


Josh Fletcher
Technical Account Manager
4D, Inc


-----Original Message-----
color><param>00000,0000,DDEE/param>HHello all
I am interested in the two SQL commands ALTER TABLE (sql_name) and
ADD(column_definition); 4D v14.1.
I am trying to use data to define a table structure via generic code.
My question; how to replace the literal name for a table or field with a
generic variable returning either the table / field name?

I have read the SQL reference manual and tried both wrapping a
variable in
<<< >>> or passing a function with FN; both were rejected by ALTER
( Never got as far as ADD ...! )

With anticipatory thanks
John Staples. UK.

John RF Staples (6/6/14 3:07 PM)

Hi Josh

Many thanks for your knowledgable and well explained answer to my
problem; I shall give it a go.
Cheers, John.

Sent from my iPad

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